Mac Format 1995 June
MacFormat 25.iso
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OutOfPhase1.1 Source
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/* TrackObject.h */
#ifndef Included_TrackObject_h
#define Included_TrackObject_h
/* TrackObject module depends on */
/* MiscInfo.h */
/* Audit */
/* Debug */
/* Definitions */
/* TrackWindow */
/* TrackList */
/* Memory */
/* DataMunging */
/* Array */
/* FrameObject */
/* Screen */
/* TrackView */
/* NoteObject */
/* Menus */
/* MainWindowStuff */
/* BufferedFileInput */
/* BufferedFileOutput */
/* BinaryCodedDecimal */
/* LoadSaveNoteVectors */
#include "MainWindowStuff.h"
struct TrackObjectRec;
typedef struct TrackObjectRec TrackObjectRec;
/* forward declarations */
struct CodeCenterRec;
struct MainWindowRec;
struct TrackListRec;
struct FrameObjectRec;
struct ArrayRec;
struct TrackViewRec;
struct MenuItemType;
struct NoteObjectRec;
struct BufferedInputRec;
struct BufferedOutputRec;
/* create a new empty track object */
TrackObjectRec* NewTrackObject(struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter,
struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow, struct TrackListRec* TrackList);
/* dispose of track object and all the crud it contains */
void DisposeTrackObject(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* find out if the object has been changed */
MyBoolean HasTrackObjectBeenModified(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get a copy of the object's name */
char* TrackObjectGetNameCopy(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* put a new name. the object becomes the owner of the name block, so the */
/* caller should not release it */
void TrackObjectPutName(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, char* Name);
/* get a copy of the name of the instrument that the track will be played with */
char* TrackObjectGetInstrName(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* change the name of the instrument that the track will be played with. the */
/* track object will become the owner of the block of memory. */
void TrackObjectPutNewInstrName(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, char* Name);
/* get a copy of the postprocessing formula */
char* TrackObjectGetPostProcessing(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* change the postprocessing formula. the object becomes owner of the memory block. */
void TrackObjectPutNewPostProcessing(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
char* PostProcExpr);
/* get number of frames in track */
long TrackObjectGetNumFrames(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the frame for a given track index */
struct FrameObjectRec* TrackObjectGetFrame(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, long Index);
/* delete a range of frames from the track. */
void TrackObjectDeleteFrameRun(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
long Index, long Count);
/* get a list of frames and copy them out of the track */
struct ArrayRec* TrackObjectCopyFrameRun(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
long Index, long Count);
/* find any notes that are referencing the specified note via a tie and nullify the tie. */
void TrackObjectNullifyTies(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
struct NoteObjectRec* NoteThatIsDying);
/* insert a frame at the specified position */
MyBoolean TrackObjectInsertFrame(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, long Index,
struct FrameObjectRec* NewFrame);
/* show the window for this object. returns True if successful */
MyBoolean TrackObjectOpenWindow(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* notify the object that it's window is closing. the object should take no action */
void TrackObjectClosingWindowNotify(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
short NewX, short NewY, short NewWidth, short NewHeight);
/* indicate that the track has been altered starting at a certain position */
/* this sends a message to all track views that have been registered. */
void TrackObjectAltered(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, long Index);
/* add a track view object to the list of things that want to be notified when */
/* data in this track is altered */
MyBoolean TrackObjectAddDependentView(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
struct TrackViewRec* TheView);
/* remove a track view object that no longer wants to be notified upon changes */
void TrackObjectRemoveDependentView(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
struct TrackViewRec* TheView);
/* add a track view that wants to be seen in the background of this one. */
/* this doesn't actually do too much, since we only keep the list, we don't */
/* do any of the stuff required to actually show it in the background. */
MyBoolean TrackObjectAddBackgroundObj(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
TrackObjectRec* OtherTrackObj);
/* remove a track view that no longer wants to be seen in the background of this one */
/* the list should call this on everyone when one is deleted so that there aren't */
/* any dangling dependencies left around. it is not an error to delete something */
/* that isn't in the list */
/* this doesn't actually do too much, since we only keep the list, we don't */
/* do any of the stuff required to actually show it in the background. */
void TrackObjectRemoveBackgroundObj(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
TrackObjectRec* OtherTrackObj);
/* get background object list. (Actual thing). List of TrackObjectRec*'s */
struct ArrayRec* TrackObjectGetBackgroundList(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the menu item associated with this track */
struct MenuItemType* TrackObjectGetMenuItem(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* the document's name changed, so we need to update the window */
void TrackObjectGlobalNameChange(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
char* NewFilename);
/* get the default early/late hit adjustment factor */
double TrackObjectGetEarlyLateAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default first release point */
double TrackObjectGetReleasePoint1(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default first release point's from start or end flag (this is the same */
/* as the mask used in each note) */
unsigned long TrackObjectGetReleasePoint1StartEndFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default second release point */
double TrackObjectGetReleasePoint2(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default second release point's from start or end flag */
unsigned long TrackObjectGetReleasePoint2StartEndFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default overall loudness adjustment factor */
double TrackObjectGetOverallLoudness(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default stereo positioning */
double TrackObjectGetStereoPositioning(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default surround positioning */
double TrackObjectGetSurroundPositioning(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default first accent adjust */
double TrackObjectGetAccent1(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default second accent adjust */
double TrackObjectGetAccent2(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default third accent adjust */
double TrackObjectGetAccent3(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default fourth accent adjust */
double TrackObjectGetAccent4(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default pitch displacement depth adjust */
double TrackObjectGetPitchDisplacementDepthAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default pitch displacement rate adjust */
double TrackObjectGetPitchDisplacementRateAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default pitch displacement start point */
double TrackObjectGetPitchDisplacementStartPoint(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default pitch displacement start point control flag */
unsigned long TrackObjectGetPitchDisplacementFromStartOrEnd(
TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default hurry-up factor */
double TrackObjectGetHurryUp(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default detuning */
double TrackObjectGetDetune(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the detuning control flag */
unsigned long TrackObjectGetDetuneControlFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default duration adjustment */
double TrackObjectGetDurationAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* get the default duration adjust mode flag */
unsigned long TrackObjectGetDurationModeFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* change the default early/late hit adjustment factor */
void PutTrackObjectEarlyLateAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewEarlyLateAdjust);
/* change the default first release point */
void PutTrackObjectReleasePoint1(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewReleasePoint1);
/* change the default first release point's from start or end flag */
void PutTrackObjectReleasePoint1StartEndFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
unsigned long NewReleasePoint1Flag);
/* change the default second release point */
void PutTrackObjectReleasePoint2(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewReleasePoint2);
/* change the default second release point's from start or end flag */
void PutTrackObjectReleasePoint2StartEndFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
unsigned long NewReleasePoint2Flag);
/* change the default overall loudness adjustment factor */
void PutTrackObjectOverallLoudness(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewOverallLoudness);
/* change the default stereo positioning value */
void PutTrackObjectStereoPositioning(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewStereoPositioning);
/* change the default surround positioning value */
void PutTrackObjectSurroundPositioning(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewSurroundPositioning);
/* change the default first accent adjust */
void PutTrackObjectAccent1(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewAccent1);
/* change the default second accent adjust */
void PutTrackObjectAccent2(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewAccent2);
/* change the default third accent adjust */
void PutTrackObjectAccent3(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewAccent3);
/* change the default fourth accent adjust */
void PutTrackObjectAccent4(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewAccent4);
/* change the default pitch displacement depth adjust */
void PutTrackObjectPitchDisplacementDepthAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewPitchDisplacementDepthAdjust);
/* change the default pitch displacement rate adjust */
void PutTrackObjectPitchDisplacementRateAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewPitchDisplacementRate);
/* change the default pitch displacement start point */
void PutTrackObjectPitchDisplacementStartPoint(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewPitchDisplacementStartPoint);
/* change the default pitch displacement start point control flag */
void PutTrackObjectPitchDisplacementFromStartOrEnd(TrackObjectRec*
TrackObj, unsigned long NewPitchDisplacementStartPointControl);
/* change the default hurry-up factor */
void PutTrackObjectHurryUp(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, double NewHurryUp);
/* change the default detuning */
void PutTrackObjectDetune(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj, double NewDetune);
/* change the detuning control flag */
void PutTrackObjectDetuneControlFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
unsigned long NewDetuneControlFlag);
/* change the default duration adjustment */
void PutTrackObjectDurationAdjust(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
double NewDurationAdjust);
/* change the default duration adjust mode flag */
void PutTrackObjectDurationModeFlag(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
unsigned long NewDurationModeFlag);
/* find out if this track should be included when we play the score */
MyBoolean TrackObjectShouldItBePlayed(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* chage status of whether track should be played */
void ChangeTrackObjectShouldBePlayed(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
MyBoolean ShouldWePlayIt);
/* read track information from the file and create a new track object */
FileLoadingErrors TrackObjectNewFromFile(TrackObjectRec** ObjectOut,
struct BufferedInputRec* Input, struct CodeCenterRec* CodeCenter,
struct MainWindowRec* MainWindow, struct TrackListRec* TrackList);
/* write the track information to the file. */
FileLoadingErrors TrackObjectWriteDataOut(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
struct BufferedOutputRec* Output);
/* mark track object as saved */
void TrackObjectMarkAsSaved(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj);
/* make the track object write out the note array to the file */
MyBoolean TrackObjectWriteNotesOutToFile(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
struct BufferedOutputRec* Output);
/* load notes from the file & replace track's notes with them */
MyBoolean TrackObjectRecoverNotesFromFile(TrackObjectRec* TrackObj,
struct BufferedInputRec* Input);